01. What Is Machine Learning?


As part of your Nanodegree Program, we also recommend the book Grokking Machine Learning, written by our very own instructor Luis Serrano.

Grokking Machine Learning goes more in depth in supervised learning and model training, evaluation, and validation, including the following topics:

Supervised learning algorithms:

  • Linear and logistic regression
  • Neural networks
  • Decision trees, random forests, ensemble methods
  • Naive Bayes
  • Support vector machines

Training and evaluating models:

  • Preprocessing data and feature selection.
  • Training, testing, validation, grid search.
  • Reducing overfitting/underfitting, regularization.
  • Evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, F1-score.

Exclusive to Udacity students, you can now receive a 50% discount on Luis' book and a 35% discount on all other Manning titles. Just use the links and discount codes below:


  • 50% discount (for all formats of the book): serranoudac20
  • 35% on all other Manning products: udacity20